Behavior Insights Summary Delve into the Behavior Insights Summary Dashboard Cole Geitner
The first question we like to ask people before using the Behavior Insights dashboards is:
What search query would you like to rank #1 for?
Enter a query such as "High impact running shoes" or "subscription food service." DemandJump's analysis identifies and prioritizes the most powerful searches people conduct, questions they ask, websites they visit and more, in and around your topic or phrase.
This in turn shoes you exactly what content to write, what searches or questions matter most for paid search, and what websites to advertise on in order to target consumers or businesses when it matters the absolute most.
Discover > Behavior Insights > Summary
This dashboard gives an overview of your coverage on the query you selected compared to your competitors overall. Then It gives the top 20 paid advertisers, and the top 20 organic websites driving traffic for that query. In addition, this dashboard gives a break down of priority searches and questions comparing your coverage to that of your competitors overall.
One use case for this dashboard is, say you wanted to make content for your brand. A good place to start would be looking at these top searches and questions, and seeing what themes arise, so that you can make the most relevant content possible.
What this dashboard solves
What are customers searching for?
How are my competitors ranking for these searches compared to me?
How often do searches for “_____” reach me?
Breakdown of the Dashboard
Priority Questions, Priority Searches and Priority Websites

Priority Questions are the total number of the most relevant questions consumers are asking related to your Starting Query
Ex: There are 2,396 Questions around “Oral Hygiene Products”
Priority Searches are the total number of the most relevant searches consumers are performing related to your Starting Query
Ex: There are 1,478 Searches around “Oral Hygiene Products”
Priority Websites shows the total number of the most relevant websites for the questions & searches related to the Starting Query
Ex: There are 14,536 websites that show up for “Oral Hygiene Products”
Your Coverage vs Competitors, Top 20 Advertisers, and Top 20 Organic Websites

Your Coverage vs Competitors shows the coverage that you & your direct competitors have for the most relevant questions & searches associated with the Starting Query
Ex: Colgate has coverage on 1,233 out of 2,396 questions & searches
The Top 20 Advertisers shows the top 20 advertisers on Google for Text Ads and Shopping Ads against the priority searches and questions
Ex: Amazon has shown 87 Text Ads & 386 Shopping Ads
The Top 20 Organic Websites shows the most powerful websites related to the Starting Query
Ex: Colgate organically shows up 1,233 times for searches around “Oral Hygiene Products”
Top 20 Prioritized Keywords

The Top 20 Prioritized Questions shows all of the most powerful questions, ranked in order, related to the Starting Query
Ex: “How to Maintain Oral Hygiene” is the question that aligns the closest to “Oral Hygiene Products”
Your Question Coverage

Your Question Coverage shows the percentage of questions that you show up for in Google results vs. competitors
Ex: Crest has 17% coverage on questions around “Oral Hygiene Products”
Top 20 Prioritized Searches

Top 20 Prioritized Searches shows all of the most powerful searches, ranked in order, related to the Starting Query
Ex: “Importance of oral hygiene” is the search that aligns the closest to “Oral Hygiene Products”
Your Search Coverage

Your Search Coverage shows the percentage of searches that you show up for in Google results vs. competitors
Ex: Crest has 11% coverage on searches around “Oral Hygiene Products”
DemandJump Score

The DJ Score is a 1-100 rank of the power of the question/search in the network of consumer behavior for the Starting Query.
Score is calculated by how connected the question or search is in the network, how close it is to the initial phrase, and estimated volume.
Your Best Position

Your Best position column outlines the best organic position found for your brand for a specific question
Ex: Crest’s best rank for “How to maintain oral hygiene” is 26
Competitor Best Position

The Competitor best position column outlines the best organic position found for any of your competitors for a specific question
Ex: Crest’s competitors’ best rank for “How to Maintain Oral Hygiene” is 9
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